The night of the earthquake i was in "Valparaiso" in a pub "Cancion de la trova" celebrating my birthday. In the moment of the earthquake i was with 5 friends in the bar drinking beers, the people in the pub ran to the door but i and my friends were waiting that the people escape first for the confusion of the this moment. Seconds later of the finished the earthquake we went to exit and I tried to talk to my parents, but the cellphone was dead, and i started to worry about the situation of my beloved ones. Two hours later, my mother could call me and told me that she was fine and my father was the next to call me, telling me that he was fine too.
3 days late i was in santiago with all my family waiting the official news of the grade of the catastrophe and we have help for the people affected for the earthquake.
This is my experience in the earthquake of the 02/27
A bit late!!
Hello Mellado.
Your story is very terrible... in a pub... ufff
Pass by my blog.
See you
you was very drunk
bye !
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